Descendants of Guillaume Racine


2705. Henry Frank Racine

[Franois V.FTW]

Page 148-#55268-Photos du document-Henry Frank. Racine.-01-VIII-(179b),
poux de Victoria Damon..

(A)  Victoria Damon, ne d'un pe blanc et d'une me, 7/8 Chippewa.

Page-149-05 Photos du document des familles.

Photo : de Frank Baptist Racine Ranch 1940 - 1950.

Photo : de, Henry Racine S rand Henry Racine Jr. 1940 -1950.

Photo :  de Henry Racine Sr. And Victoria Damon 1940.

Photo : de Miss Indian America 1959-1960. (Dolorès Racine of Browing)

Wearing a beautiful Indian dress more than 125 years old :
the heavily deerskin outfit was that of her grandmother,
Julia Eagle Feather, in the Blackfeet tribe. Photo :
de Kenneth and Mae Racine Family 1977.
Back : Annette, Allen, Eugène, Patrick and Inez.
Front : Marlene, Kenneth, Mae and  Yvonne.

2712. Herbert Chub Racine

Mort accidentellement, tué par la foudre lorsqu'à cheval.
Died accidentally, struck by lightning while on horseback

2722. Joseph (Shorty) Racine

[Franois V.FTW]

Page-151-#55300-Texte du document-Joseph Racine.-02-VIII-(179g),Shirley.

    Dolor Racine was born 1940, in Browning. Montana. She was selected the 1959-60 Miss Indian American. On March 31 1960, she was invited by Mrs. Dwight Eisenhower to be a guest of honora at the White House. Wives of cabinet members dealing with Indian affairs, members of the Congress and 30 delegates from Indian reservations were present.

   She was wearing a beautiful Indian dress more than 125 years old : the heavily beaded deerskin outfit was that of her great grandmother Julia (Plume d') Eagle,  Feather, in the Blackfeet Indian tribe. (Épouse de Baptiste Racine (36) (1831-1891) Fur Trader)

   A princess of that Blackfeet in her own right, Dolorès Racine Indian name is '' Sic Ca Pi Na Kee'', meaning ''Black Eyes''.